
Monday, March 26, 2012

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at USU

When asked about my greatest experience within the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, I would have to fill in the last multiple choice bubble "All of the above."  One of the school's four pillars is Global Vision - and my continual acquisition of this trait was inspired and is driven by the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Go Global and SEED programs.

Counsel is often given stating that a person should find a career that they love.  A career that won't seem like work.  A career that is defined by the character of the laborer.  I believe along with this great advice, that the pathway to that chosen field should also maintain those same standards.  If a student does not love what they are studying, then I conclude that that student needs to choose a new career!   For almost two years I cut against my own grain, convinced that I knew what my future had in store for me.  In December 2010, I finally realized that I needed something more; that something eventually changed the way I thought and felt about myself and my future.

I had the opportunity to study abroad along with 19 fantastic students and 3 excellent professors; students that amazed me, professors that became my mentors and friends.  We studied for seven weeks together; three at USU and four in Eastern Europe.  Together we learned the importance of being 'globally minded,' but the greatest lesson that I personally relearned was that - I AM CAPABLE OF ANYTHING.  With a recent career goal change and acceptance into the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, I am finally myself again. 

I believe that fear and ignorance prevent most people from doing great things.  I live my life by asking myself two simple questions, "What is available to me?" and "Why not?"  By these standards I educate myself about the opportunities that exist, I eliminate excuses that may present themselves, and I become a 'Doer' that demands perfection and excellence.

I invite you to explore your own life.  Are you happy with your career? Your education? Your habits and lifestyle? Your goals and ambitions? Your relationships?  Are you who you should be?  I encourage you to search for opportunities that will aid you in maintaining and progressing your personal life standard.  Strive to define yourself, instead of allowing the world to define you.

Below is a link to a Shutterfly photo book that I created that shares my group's experiences on our Go Global Study Abroad in Eastern Europe.  Feel free to explore.

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